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Your young agricultural company, established in 2002, is located in Tuscany on the Tyrrhenian coast, within one of the most famous Italian wine regions, the DOC Bolgheri. I built my own company in 2002 when I was only 24 years old, starting from the initial vineyard plantings and progressing to the construction of a winery designed for functionality and practicality. The company now encompasses 7 hectares of owned vineyards and a brand-new agriturismo with a wine shop, situated along the renowned Bolgheri road.


All the wines are produced following criteria inspired by respect and conservation of the environment and the territory. They are characterized by the strong connection between the wine and the personality of the producer, as well highlighted by the IMPRONTE label. The wines aim to offer consumers pleasantness and elegance, in short, the full expression of the great tradition of Bolgheri.


The uniqueness of our territory is derived from one of its most renowned products to which we belong: Bolgheri wine. We find ourselves in an environment where the landscape, like an embroidered fabric with the presence of extraordinarily beautiful towns such as Castagneto Carducci and Bolgheri, is an intertwining of vineyards and cypress trees. This is one of the rare instances of viticulture developed at sea level. The hills surrounding us frame the scenery with intense greenery due to dense forests, and when we turn our gaze, we can admire the blue of the Tyrrhenian Sea, extending beyond to Corsica.


Although our wines have an international appeal, they are deeply connected to the traditional cuisine of our region, featuring dishes made from game meat such as wild boar, as well as roast pork and veal. Highly recommended pairings include rich pasta dishes with ragù, like pappardelle, perhaps flavored with herbs that grow naturally on our coasts, such as juniper, sage, and bay leaf.


A recipe that is not just a recipe but a real event that involves the entire village is “Testa di cinghiale alla castagnetana” or “Wild Boar Head Castagneto-style.” This recipe, to be served on the table, requires the expertise of multiple individuals. It begins with a “norcino” (pork butcher) who knows how to precisely separate the head, following an art that has been passed down for generations. The head is then handed over to someone with a suitable space to hang it from the ceiling for several days to allow it to bleed out before removing it and beginning the process of marinating…

(If you’d like me to continue with the recipe or provide more information, please let me know.)