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The magic of Byzantine Biscuits originates just steps away from the sea, in Ravenna. A land of transition and exchange of human, artistic, and cultural values, of styles and traditions from multiple cultures that are magnificently represented in Ravenna. A land with a deep literary and culinary vocation. In this context, Grandfather Umberto, at the end of a long career as a professor, decides to retire to a small bookstore in Marina di Ravenna. Often in the company of his wife, passionate about cooking, Grandma Franca, he finds in a cookbook the recipe from which the magic of Byzantine Biscuits is born. Mrs. Franca has delighted children, grandchildren, and friends for almost 50 years with the delicate scent of these freshly baked biscuits. Now the baton has been passed to us, both passionate about cooking, Lorenzo and Jacopo, who in 2010 recognized in our origins the possibility of taking a risk by starting to produce this family recipe and making it known and appreciated by a wider audience. Aware of the gastronomic value of our recipe, we continuously strive to improve and offer a line of excellent artisanal products. Over these years of work, starting from a family secret, we have managed to develop sweet and savory flavor variations that are genuine, tasty, and do not contain ingredients of animal origin, just like Grandma’s recipe.


We drew inspiration from a common heritage of Italy’s history to celebrate Grandma Franca’s recipe by naming our range of bakery products “Biscotti Bizantini”. Particularly, given the shape, the strong artisanal component, and the delicacy of our very thin biscuits, the strongest reference is that of the “Tessere di Ravenna”. Byzantine mosaic art is our reference point for composing the range of biscuits, which includes savory ones flavored with almonds and pumpkin seeds, moving on to sweet ones with raisins (those original to Grandma Franca), orange, and finally coffee. Each biscuit is suitable for a specific moment of the day but, given its uniqueness, lends itself to original interpretations. Our range is available in various packaging, ranging from 50-gram sachets to prestigious gift boxes to be enjoyed alone or in good company.


Ravenna is situated in an enviable position as it benefits from being surrounded by the greenery of a countryside dotted with natural parks and agricultural environments, from which many of the natural products that arrive on our tables originate. In addition to the countryside, we can look out onto the expansive beaches of the Adriatic Sea and with just a few minutes’ journey, breathe in the special scent of the salt pans of Cervia. Even when visiting the highly frequented gems of our artistic heritage such as San Apollinare in Classe and the Basilica of San Vitale, one perceives a sense of tranquility and serenity, ideal for a stay rich in historical, naturalistic, and of course, culinary experiences.


For pairings, we propose the “Byzantine Day”. The gastronomic versatility of our biscuits makes them suitable for various moments throughout the day. So, let’s start with a good morning coffee, rigorously made with the Moka, paired with our coffee-flavored biscuits for a gustatory “play of parts”.

To face the most demanding moments of the day, it’s essential to take a small break with our orange Byzantine biscuits. After a meal or at the table with a sweet or dessert wine like Albana, our raisin Byzantine biscuits are a must, either on their own or paired with zabaglione cream, chocolate spread, or fruit jam.

For the evening, before dinner, we recommend savory biscuits with pumpkin seeds, paired with a good craft beer, a nice glass of white wine, or a platter of cheeses and cured meats. Alternatively, salty almond biscuits can be paired with a big salad or as an accompaniment to main courses as a genuine snack.


The cuisine of our region is very diverse and rich in first courses of filled puff pastry, both with meat and vegetables. The recipe that unites all Romagnoli and tourists, for its simplicity which allows enjoying it in the numerous kiosks of the province, is our “Pieda” (dialectal name). Its characteristic is to be unleavened bread with its typical thin shape. From the popular consumption of a product that required only water, flour, and salt, over time it has been enriched with many variations, including cured meats, cheeses, mushrooms, and all kinds of sauces on top. Spoon desserts are also always a guarantee, such as the zabaione cream where you can dip our Byzantine tiles.