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The commercial and productive history of our family dates back to the distant year of 1895 when Giuseppe Bignami received an award of 35 lire and a certificate of good service from the united associations of Italy’s charcuteries. In January 1956, from Giovanni’s artisanal workshop, the first coppas were crafted, salted, massaged, stuffed, and entirely hand-tied. It was an extremely limited production aimed at testing their own abilities and the growing post-war market. Given the success of the initial product, with the fundamental help of his wife Adele, Giovanni decided, in the early 1960s, to start the production of salami and pancetta. In 1985, my brother Charli and I began working in the company to take over from Giovanni and increase production with different types of cured meats, particularly the cooked coppa “dal Pont” and the Bignamotto, the pride of our artisanal shop.


As an artisanal salumeria, we produce “the tradition” of our territory starting with the Traditional Coppa. The coppa, the queen of Piacenza cured meats, has always been considered one of the noblest cuts of heavy swine, to the extent that in past decades, when farmers slaughtered pigs, the two coppas were often given as gifts to important individuals such as doctors or the noble landowners whose lands were tended by the same farmers.

Another excellent product is pancetta, a cured meat highly appreciated by connoisseurs for its sweet flavor due to the predominance of fat. In 2003, Ponte dell’Olio earned the fame of being the capital of pancetta by entering the Guinness World Records with the largest pancetta in the world weighing 152.5 kg. For snacks and quick meals, we also create a range of low-salt salamis and salamettis.


We are located at the beginning of the Nure Valley, where the river of the same name, upon which Ponte dell’Olio is nestled, creates a charming atmosphere. Our area is dotted with fascinating historic residences, including the Riva Castle located in the center of the village, which with its mighty walls has conveyed a sense of protection to the inhabitants since its construction in 1200.

Continuing south along the road leading to the Apennines, you immerse yourself in small woods perfect for relaxing nature walks, where it is common to spot local wildlife, including foxes, badgers, deer, and sometimes even wild boars. Along the way, the numerous taverns offer the opportunity for pleasant gastronomic stops, where exquisite typical cured meats are accompanied by baskets filled with “torta fritta”, a delightful alternative to bread, appreciated for its simplicity and goodness.

For those who love the city atmosphere, we recommend exploring the historical architectural layers in the center of Piacenza, which date back to the Roman era when it was known as “Placentia”, and extend to the present day, offering a fascinating journey through time through the history and evolution of the city.


The pairings we suggest, between our cured meats and local wines, represent a true enogastronomic combination that enhances the characteristics of the territory and satisfies the most discerning palates.

Piacentino Salami and Gutturnio: The Piacentino Salami, with its robust and savory flavor, pairs perfectly with Gutturnio, a red wine produced in the hilly area around Piacenza. Gutturnio, mainly made from Barbera and Bonarda grapes, has a fruity taste and good structure that harmonizes well with the complexity of the salami’s flavors.

Piacentino Coppa and Malvasia: The Piacentino Coppa, with its delicate and aromatic flavor, finds an excellent companion in Malvasia, a sweet and fragrant white wine. The sweetness and freshness of Malvasia perfectly balance the savoriness of the coppa, creating a balanced and pleasantly contrasting pairing.

Piacentino Pancetta and Classic Piacentino Sparkling Wine: Piacentino Pancetta, with its rich and enveloping flavor, pairs well with a classic Piacentino sparkling wine capable of enhancing the sweetness of the fatty part without overpowering the flavors of the meaty part of the cured meat.


We call it “La torta d’erbi” because it represents the best way to showcase the fruits of our territory. We prepare it with a variety of wild aromatic herbs that we gather in the fields and forests of the Val di Nure. We carefully select the herbs, respecting the rhythm of the seasons, especially chard leaves, wild spinach, borage, and nettles, which give the preparation a vibrant flavor waiting to be discovered. We immerse them in a soft embrace of eggs and cheese, with which they harmoniously blend, creating a enveloping texture and a flavor full of authenticity. This cake, the heart of the local culinary tradition, tells ancient stories and secrets kept in the tales of grandmothers, bringing to the table the essence of the Val di Nure itself. Once baked, the “torta d’erbi” is sliced ​​to offer moments of authentic joy and pleasure to the palate.