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September 15, 2015: The story begins here…
When Stefano and Gabriella, walking through Ciociaria in search of a plot of land to cultivate, purchase the first 3.5 hectares in the Municipality of Piglio. On that crystal-clear late summer morning, they decided that dreams must occasionally become reality. Thus, L’Avventura is born, producers of happiness.
From their passion for wine, returning to Stefano’s roots in Lazio, comes the commitment to enhance the quintessential autochthonous Lazio grape variety – Cesanese – in its various expressions along with other delights of the territory such as Passerina IGT. New lands are added to the Piglio vineyards in the municipalities of La Forma and Gavignano in 2016. Additionally, an olive grove of approximately 120 plants sets the stage for the production of extra virgin olive oil EVO.


Our production is focused on enhancing local indigenous grapes. The vineyards – of Cesanese di Affile, Cesanese comune, Pinot Nero, and Passerina – produced their first bottled vintage in 2017. The Saxa, Campanino, and Colline Laziali were almost immediately joined by Picchiatello, Amor, and Camere Pinte. Arringo, a Cesanese vinified using the Governo all’uso Toscano method, came second to last, followed by the rosé simply called Rosé. Our EVO olive oil Mattolio also enjoyed immediate and great success. The quintessential indigenous grape varieties are Cesanese di Affile and Cesanese comune for red wines, and Passerina for white wines. In our vineyards, Cesanese di Affile primarily grows. With smaller and darker berries compared to Cesanese comune, it gives birth to long-lasting wines. We usually harvest during the first half of October.


Our farm is located in Ciociaria, a region in southern Lazio whose name derives from the ancient traditional footwear worn by its inhabitants, called “ciocie”. We have a rich historical heritage to discover, including archaeological sites, medieval castles, Romanesque churches, and the famous Montecassino Abbey, a Benedictine monastery dating back to the 6th century. The landscape offers a variety of scenarios ranging from hills dotted with olive groves and vineyards to enchanting valleys, and up to the mountain peaks dominating the horizon. Additionally, we are famous for our cheeses, particularly pecorino, produced from local sheep freely grazing in the hillside pastures.


We are happy to suggest some “happiness” pairings for the pleasure of your palate.
The Cesanese del Piglio DOCG is a red wine with a full body and complex flavors.
Red Meats: Roasts, steaks, and grilled meats.
Game: Wild boar, hare, and pheasant.
Aged Cheeses: Pecorino romano, Parmigiano Reggiano, and blue cheeses.
Hearty First Courses: Pasta with meat ragù, lasagna, and sausage risottos.
The Passerina del Frusinate IGT is a light and fresh white wine, with fruity and floral notes.
Seafood Appetizers: Fish carpaccio, seafood salad, and grilled shrimp.
Fish Dishes: Grilled fish, baked sea bass, and fried calamari.
Vegetable and Vegetarian Dishes: Grilled vegetables, fresh vegetable salads, and vegetable soups.
Fresh Cheeses: Buffalo mozzarella, ricotta, and goat cheeses.
The Rosato del Frusinate IGT is a rosé wine distinguished by its freshness and versatility.
Light Appetizers: Tomato bruschetta, mixed appetizers, and chicken salads.
Fish and Shellfish Dishes: Octopus salad, Catalan-style shrimp, and grilled swordfish.
Summer Dishes: Vegetable couscous, rice salad, and tomato-based dishes.
Cured Meats: Prosciutto crudo, salami, and other light cold cuts.


The dish that best embodies the soul and flavor of our ancient land is “pasta alla carbonara”.
The pasta is tender and al dente, enriched by the golden color of the eggs and the crunchiness of the guanciale.
In the pasta, flavors blend harmoniously: garlic and black pepper add a bold note, while pecorino, with its salty sweetness, envelops each bite in a warm embrace. The thinly sliced and golden-browned guanciale imparts a smoky note that evokes the scents of lit fireplaces on winter evenings. Each bite is a journey through the centuries, a taste of the history and tradition of this generous land. Pasta alla carbonara from Ciociaria is more than just a dish: it’s a ritual, a culinary experience that always leaves an indelible mark on the palate.