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I am Maurizio, and I passionately carry on the family business of the “Lo Scalco” butcher shop. Together with the expert Simone, in collaboration with Maurizio and Lorenzo, we are dedicated to the production and aging of cold cuts typical of the Tuscan tradition. We use only meat from small local producers who continue to raise the native breeds of our territory. Our supply chain includes a production laboratory and two historic butcher shops, both located along the Tosco Romagnola road. In addition to selling cold cuts, under the expert guidance of Bettino and thanks to Elisabetta’s recipes, we also offer tastings accompanied by a selection of fine Tuscan wines.


The highlights of our production are the classics of the Tuscan tradition: salted shoulder, Briciolona, enriched with the characteristic aroma of fennel seeds; traditional ham, made from heavy Pisan pigs of at least 24 months; and Tuscan salami, made with lean pork meat, large lard chunks, and full-bodied red wine to enhance its flavor. We also offer the fegatelli of S. Miniato, prepared with two pieces of lean pork meat and one of liver. We produce them both in pieces skewered with a sprig of wild fennel or minced and wrapped in the mesh. After cooking in pure lard, they are preserved under lard. Finally, our “specialties,” such as the “Ghibelline” cold cuts, smoked cold under olive ash. These represent the highest expression of charcuterie in our territory, products we have brought back to life by following an ancient local technique: aging under ash. The thighs, after an initial salting, are covered with a mixture of suet, wheat flour, and pepper, and then left for 4-5 months under olive ash. This cold smoking gives the “Barbarossa” cold cuts a deep and elegant flavor.


t is difficult to find a place like S. Miniato where history, art, culture, and gastronomy merge in an authentic and welcoming atmosphere. Our village retains the charm of the most authentic Tuscany, with our slow rhythms and above all, our warm hospitality towards visitors and admirers of our traditions. A sensory journey through our lands includes a variety of landscapes where the gaze jumps from breathtaking views over the vineyards, olive groves, and cultivated fields typical of the Tuscan landscape to the vestiges of the Etruscan people who gave life to the town, reaching the medieval period during which civil and religious architecture flourished, represented by the Rocca of Frederick II, an imposing tower that offers a spectacular view over the surrounding countryside, and the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta and San Genesio. For gastronomy lovers, we suggest the famous National White Truffle Fair of San Miniato, one of the most prestigious in Italy. During this event, the village comes alive with food and wine stands, tastings, workshops, and shows, attracting visitors from all over the world.


We would like to suggest some pairings that can best enhance the rich flavors of our products.

Tuscan salted shoulder.
Bread: Warm Tuscan crostini or unsalted bread (sciocco).
Cheeses: Fresh or semi-aged Pecorino, which enhances its savoriness.
Wine: Chianti Classico or Vernaccia di San Gimignano, which balance the saltiness with their fresh notes.

Bread: Focaccia or oil flatbread, which adds a soft and savory contrast. Condiments: Fruit mustards (such as figs or quince) or red onion jam.
Wine: Young Sangiovese or Rosso di Montalcino, with their acidity that cleanses the palate of fats.

San Genesio ham.
Bread: Whole wheat or crunchy bread for an interesting contrast.
Fruits: Cantaloupe melon, fresh figs, or pears for a sweet-salty combination. Wine: Vermentino or Bolgheri Bianco, with their fruity and mineral notes that enhance the delicate flavor of the ham.

Tuscan salami.
Bread: Bruschetta or multigrain bread. Cheeses: Mild Gorgonzola or Taleggio, which complement the robust flavor of the salami.
Wine: Chianti Riserva or Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, which enhance the intense flavor of the salami.


Let us tell you about the most representative recipe of our town: “The fegatelli of S. Miniato”. We prepare them with care and passion, following an ancient recipe passed down from generation to generation. Each “fegatello” consists of two pieces of lean pork meat and one of liver, skillfully skewered with a sprig of wild fennel or wrapped in mesh. The fennel, with its aromatic scent, gives the bite a rustic, almost wild soul, reminiscent of the hills and fields of this generous land. The slow cooking, under the watchful eye of the cook’s expert hands, seals every flavor, every essence. After abundant browning, we preserve them under lard. From the very first bite, all the flavors emerge: the sweet blends with the salty, the softness of the liver fuses with the meaty texture of the pork, while the fennel and spices dance on the palate. An experience that speaks of woods and sunsets, of hands marked by work and ancient knowledge, of a land that knows how to be loved through its simplest yet most precious fruits.