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My name is Paola and rice is part of my family’s life: my grandmother and even my great-grandmother worked as rice field workers in the company owned by my husband Adolfo’s grandfather. A beautiful and fascinating story that began back in 1911 in the rice fields of Vercelli, which continues to this day after three generations. With my husband, we launched the RisoinFiore brand, making innovation the philosophy of our company.



Our rice Gloria boasts characteristics that make it ideal for daily consumption, with a “zero residue” of phytosanitary substances. Resulting from a careful and thorough study on the best varieties to use, TO ACHIEVE ZERO RESIDUE ON THE RICE, it presents itself as a large and very porous grain, perfect for the classic risotto that requires maximum absorption of the sauce. We produce it in an environment where tradition and advanced technology harmoniously coexist, allowing us to minimize the environmental impact of the technologies used: from seeding to processing.


The landscape of our territory is a mosaic of colors, predominantly green and blue in the spring months and ever-changing with the seasons. At the crossroads of this vast abstract painting are small villages with typical Piedmontese architecture, featuring welcoming squares and hospitable people. Don’t forget to stop at one of the many family-run trattorias to enjoy a dish typical of the tradition.


Our rice Gloria, with its large and flavorful grains, is the perfect variety for risottos. Here are the pairings we suggest to enhance your favorite dish to the fullest: If you love risottos with fish or seafood, the best choice is a rather dry white wine such as a Gavi, one of the great Piedmontese wines produced in the vineyards of Alessandria. For risottos made with cured meats, opt for a young and not overly full-bodied red wine like a Chianti, or try an unusual pairing with a sparkling Lambrusco that cleanses the palate and leaves room for the flavors of the rice and sauce.


A dish from our countryside tradition that we’d like to introduce you to is the Panissa Vercellese. “THE MIXED FRY PIEMONTESE” consists of sweet (amaretti, apple, and semolina) and savory (steak, sausage, brain, marrow) fried foods, paired with a sauce, but only upon request from the gourmets. New variations add chocolate semolina, Pavesini biscuits in the sweet portion, and meatballs, perhaps with some zucchini in the savory part.