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Terra dei Briganti is a family-run artisanal company that was born in Roccamorice, in the heart of the Majella. Our project started in 2017 with the aim of promoting local products and keeping alive the ancient and genuine recipes and traditions that are linked to our mountains, while always focusing on innovation in taste and presentation. The quality of our liqueurs is born from the love and passion that binds us to the ancient liquor-making tradition of the region. This passion drives us to constant research and the selection of the finest raw materials to produce genuine and artisanal products.


Genziana is a white wine-based liqueur made through a 100% artisanal process and does not use any kind of flavoring. The roots are washed and brushed by hand and then left to infuse for forty days. The final result is a product with a bitter and round taste, as the ancient Abruzzese tradition dictates.


Our territory captivates visitors with its breathtaking natural beauty, rich flora and fauna, and unique history and culture. It’s an ideal destination for nature lovers, hikers, adventure enthusiasts, and those seeking a peaceful escape from urban life. The Majella is also rich in historical and cultural sites. Within our park, you can find ancient hermitages, rock churches, remains of prehistoric settlements, and medieval abbeys, which bear witness to human presence in these lands since ancient times. The small towns and villages surrounding the Majella still preserve rural and artisanal traditions, offering you an authentic atmosphere and a chance to discover local culture.


Desserts and liqueurs make a perfect combination, capable of awakening the senses and tantalizing the taste and smell. Among our recommended pairings, we’d like to highlight two in particular:

  1. Genziana and cantucci: These biscuits are perfect for dipping into the liqueur, creating a unique harmony of scents and flavors.
  2. Ferratelle and ratafia: Ferratelle are a typical Abruzzese sweet treat and pair exceptionally well as a dessert, especially when accompanied by sauces and a good glass of ratafià.


Lamb with cheese and eggs is a traditional delicacy from the Majella region, characterized by a combination of intense and succulent flavors. Typically, we use the lamb shoulder or leg. After seasoning the lamb with garlic, pepper, salt, and olive oil, we let it marinate in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, we roast it in the oven and prepare the cheese and egg sauce, mixing it until it becomes a smooth cream. After the lamb’s cooking time has passed, we pour the sauce over the meat in the baking dish. We put everything back in the oven for another fifteen minutes until the sauce has slightly thickened and turned golden. This dish is usually served with seasonal vegetables or roasted potatoes as sides.